UQ Social Timetable
Mobile App
Developed a
mobile application for
students to view their own timetable
alongside their friends' timetables.
Published on the App Store
and Google Play Store,
reaching over 3000 users with
500 daily active users.
Designed a
user-friendly interface to
display timetable information and allow
students to manage their schedule.
Initially written in Swift
and later translated to
Flutter for
cross-platform compatibility.
Leveraged Firebase's NoSQL cloud
database to implement social
networking features, enabling users to
send, accept, and decline friend requests.
Enabled real-time messaging
and timetable sharing by utilizing
Firebase's cloud database.
Integrated OneSignal for
push notifications for group
chat messages and friend requests.
Maze Generation and Pathfinding Visualiser
Web App
Developed a web application to visualize maze generation and pathfinding algorithms.
Implemented maze generation algorithms such as Recursive Backtracking, Recursive Division, Prim's Algorithm, and Kruskal's Algorithm.
Implemented pathfinding algorithms such as Greedy-Best-First Search, A* Search, Breadth First Search, and Depth First Search.
Designed a user-friendly interface to allow users to select the size of the maze, the algorithm for maze generation, and the algorithm for pathfinding.
Utilized React and canvas graphics with p5.js to create the application.
Sorting Algorithm Visualiser
Desktop App
Developed a desktop application to visualize sorting algorithms.
Implemented sorting algorithms such as Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, and Heap Sort.
Designed a user-friendly interface allowing users to select the size of the array, the sorting algorithm, and the speed of the visualization.
Utilized Java Swing to build the application.
Nerual Network Solving XOR Visualised
Desktop App
Developed a neural network framework capable of handling an arbitrary number of layers and nodes.
Visualized the XOR problem using the neural network framework with SDL2 graphics.
The grayscale pixels represent the output values of the neural network, where black represents 0 and white represents 1.
For the XOR problem: an input of (0, 0) should output 0; (0, 1) and (1, 0) should output 1; and (1, 1) should output 0. Thus, the top-left and bottom-right corners are black, and the top-right and bottom-left corners are white in the visualization.
Snake Game
Desktop App
A simple window-based Snake game implemented in C using the SDL library.
The game features a snake that moves around the screen, eating food to grow.
The game ends when the snake collides with the walls or itself.
Written in C using the SDL library for graphics.